How to Kill Men and Get Away With It by Katy Brent #review

Book cover of How to Kill Men and Get Away With It by Katy Brent

Title: How to Kill Men and Get Away With It
Author: Katy Brent
Publisher: HQ


Meet Kitty Collins.


Have you ever walked home at night, keys in hand, ready to throw a punch in self-defence? That’s how it all started. The killing spree, I mean.

I sort of tripped into this role… Literally. The first one was following me. That guy from the nightclub who wouldn’t leave me alone. I pushed him, he stumbled, and fell onto his own broken wine bottle. Oops. It was such a waste of a good house white.

But now I can’t seem to stop and nor do I want to… I’ve got a taste for revenge and quite frankly, I’m killing it.

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My review:

How to Kill Men and Get Away With It pulls no punches with its main character, Kitty. She’s not the type of character I’d usually warm to, and the fact she’s an ‘influencer’ and surrounded by people who I found really irritating just adds to that – and yet I really enjoyed reading about her! She acknowledges that people like her are often obsessed with how they look and appear to others, and seems to resent it despite it paying her bills.

What started out as an accidental killing escalates into an overwhelming desire to enact revenge in the most permanent way possible on the various men who have hurt or threatened people she cares about. It’s darkly satisfying seeing her relentlessly take out these awful men and this makes the book a twisty, enjoyable read. There are definitely darker themes to the story with some of the situations Kitty’s friends’ experience, but that gave Kitty a reason to do what she did (mostly) and there’s plenty of humour, so the book never feels hard work.

I don’t want to give too much away about this one – it’s best if you know as little as possible… so I’ll just say that if you enjoy books where women are unapologetically ‘bad’, but for a good reason, then give this a go! It’s definitely good fun and satisfyingly dark too.

My rating: 4/5

Many thanks to the publisher, HQ, for the copy of this novel that I chose to write an honest review on.


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