Title: The Thursday Murder Club
Series: Thursday Murder Club #1
Author: Richard Osman
Publisher: Penguin
Four septuagenarians with a few tricks up their sleeves
A female cop with her first big case
A brutal murder
Welcome to…
The Thursday Murder ClubIn a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet weekly in the Jigsaw Room to discuss unsolved crimes; together they call themselves The Thursday Murder Club. Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron might be pushing eighty but they still have a few tricks up their sleeves.
When a local developer is found dead with a mysterious photograph left next to the body, the Thursday Murder Club suddenly find themselves in the middle of their first live case. As the bodies begin to pile up, can our unorthodox but brilliant gang catch the killer, before it’s too late?
My Review:
There’s probably not much to say about this book that hasn’t already been said but I’ll add my thoughts here anyway! The Thursday Murder Club is a charming, gentle crime novel that takes the reader on a humorous, enjoyable adventure with pensioners Joyce, Elizabeth, Ray and Ibrahim. Together they form the Thursday Murder Club, a secret ‘club’ in their retirement village which involves them getting together and trying to solve murders that have taken place in the local community.
In this novel, the first in the series, the group try to work out what happened to local hardman Tony Curran, and find themselves involving police officer Donna as they get closer to the truth…
What is great about this novel is of course the characters; for me, they were more engaging than the plot itself. Osman has created a brilliant cast who are exasperating and entertaining in equal measure. There’s plenty of funny moments and, although there are some horrible occurrences – the book deals with murder, after all! – it never feels too dark or shocking. It strikes just the right balance and means that three generations of our family have really enjoyed reading The Thursday Murder Club – my grandma, my mum and me!
If you’re after a super gritty, intense crime novel then of course this probably won’t satisfy your cravings. But if you fancy something lighter, fun and very entertaining, give this a go! The second in the series has just come out too (which I will also be reading and reviewing) so it’s the perfect time to start it!
[…] my review of The Thursday Murder […]