The Last Passenger by Will Dean #review

Book cover of The Last Passenger by Will Dean

Title: The Last Passenger
Will Dean
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton


When Caz steps onboard the exclusive cruise liner RMS Atlantica, it’s the start of a vacation of a lifetime with her new love, Pete. On their first night they explore the ship, eat, dance, make friends, but when Caz wakes the next morning, Pete is missing.

And when she walks out into the corridor, all the cabin doors are open. To her horror, she soon realizes that the ship is completely empty. No passengers, no crew, nobody but her. The Atlantica is steaming into the mid-Atlantic and Caz is the only person on board. But that’s just the beginning of the terrifying journey she finds herself trapped on in this white-knuckled mystery.

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My review:

The Last Passenger is a fast-paced, entertaining read with an intriguing premise: Caz is on holiday with her partner on a luxury cruise liner when one morning, she wakes up and everyone else on the ship – including her partner Pete and all the Crew – has disappeared!

That in itself is likely to be enough to draw you in – what could the explanation possibly be for their disappearance? It’s very hard to give much information about this book without spoilers, but in its simplest form Caz soon learns that things are not as they seem, and it’s certainly no accident…

The Last Passenger does a great job of really playing into your fears – it certainly had me thinking about how I’d react if I was in Caz’s place, and it was not a nice thought! It starts off a little slower but soon ramps up in terms of action and tension. There’s some surprises and some elements that require some suspension of disbelief, but it’s so much fun and Will Dean writes so engagingly that the plot just seems to flow brilliantly.

And that ending…!

My rating: 4/5

Many thanks to the publisher for providing a copy of this book on which I chose to write an honest review.


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