Connected Couples by Andy T. Fenske #review

Book cover of Connected Couples by Andy T. Fenske

Title: Connected Couples: Eight Roadmaps for Mastering Love and Connection in Healthy Relationships
Andy T. Fenske


A practical handbook for how to successfully navigate through “Love Land”.

Are you still looking for that deep and meaningful connection – for that lifelong bond and fulfilling love relationship? The one that never seems to come your way?

Or are you stuck in a relationship rut and secretly wish you could spark the flame of love all over again?

What if you had an actual roadmap for your love relationship?

Success or failure of your relationship is rooted not in factors out of your control but in skills that you can very much learn. No matter how good or bad your current love life is, you have the power to make it better. You are in charge!

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My review:

This is a handy, interesting guide that takes the reader through the world of relationships and how we can all be better partners!

Connected Couples is fairly short so you can easily read it in a few sittings, and it covers two broad sections really – one section about factors that affect our style and the way we deal with relationships, and then a more practical section on how we can build/ improve on this.

I preferred the second part as, if I am going to read non-fiction or ‘self-help’ style books, I tend to like books that have practical takeaways – and this is definitely one of them.

The message throughout is positive and it’s easy to follow and understand, and quite inspiring too. Who doesn’t want to be a better partner? I’d say that this is a useful book for people looking for somewhere to start!

My rating: 4/5

Many thanks to the author for providing a copy of this book on which I chose to write an honest review.


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