#Unfaithful by J.L. Butler #blogtour #review @randomttours

Cover of Unfaithful by J.L. Butler

Today I’m very excited to be a part of the blog tour for Unfaithful – a gripping read which you won’t want to put down! Read on for more…

Title: Unfaithful
Author: J.L. Butler
Publisher: HarperCollins


A FATAL attraction…
Rachel Reeves has it all. The perfect family, a rich husband, and a gorgeous home. But when her only child flies the nest, Rachel feels lost – and succumbs to a mind-blowing one-night stand.

With a DEADLY twist…
Instantly regretting her infidelity, Rachel cuts ties with Chris. But he won’t let her go that easily. She erases him from her life – until a text changes everything.


Someone knows what she did.
And they’re ready to destroy her entire life because of it.

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My review:

Unfaithful is a gripping, slow burn of a novel that explores loyalty, relationships and how a moment of madness can lead to a whole world of pain.

At first glance, this may sound like a similar storyline to other books about this kind of topic, but the author (J.L. Butler, a pseudonym for bestselling author Tasmina Perry) manages to make this novel atmospheric, intriguing and, although it is not necessarily a short novel, it kept me completely hooked from the first page to last.

I really liked the way this novel explores the characters – it’s not a fast-paced, action-packed novel. Plenty happens but the author allows time for the reader to find out more about the main character Rachel, her family and what led her to do what she did. The characters feel realistic and convincing, and there are lots of different elements to the plot which kept me guessing. We have the person who is harassing Rachael after having (supposedly) seen her with the man (not her husband!) that she had a one-night stand with; then there are concerns about her daughter Dylan, husband Mike’s business and whether he’ll find out, and Rachel’s career, plus other threads which you’re never sure are relevant or not…

This all makes for a gripping story, and there are plenty of twists and turns. Some bits you may need to suspend your disbelief for a tiny bit, but never too much – and I think but that’s to be expected anyway. The various surprises along the way keep the mystery of the novel alive!

I think Unfaithful is a great read – entertaining, well-plotted with just the right level of drama. I didn’t want to put it down and I ended up reading it in two, long and very satisfying sittings – and I’d recommend you do the same!

Rating: 4/5

Many thanks to Random Things Tours and HarperCollins for providing a copy of this novel on which I chose to write an honest review, and for having me on the blog tour!

Unfaithful is published in the UK on 20 January 2022.

about the author:

Photo of J.L.Butler / Tasmina Perry, author of 'Unfaithful'

J.L. Butler trained as a lawyer and journalist. J.L. Butler is the pseudonym for international and Sunday Times bestseller, Tasmina Perry. Her books have been translated into seventeen languages and sold over two million copies worldwide.

Follow J.L. Butler on Twitter: @tasminaperry

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Blog tour poster for Unfaithful by J.L.Butler


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